Thursday, July 21, 2011

Day 04- A habit that you wish you didn't have, or something that you are looking forward to

The bad habit one is easy.  I have played (twirled) with my hair for as long as I can remember.  When I was little it was the piece at the crown of my head.  Some how Mom got me to stop doing this since I was starting to have a little bald spot.  But then I started playing with the piece behind my ears.  I can't tell you how many times I've had my hand smacked because I was starting to get bald spots there too.  So I got smarter with it and still twirled but managed to not pull it out.  Still got my hand smacked and told that it made me look funny, trying to get me to stop.  But I can say that I still twirl my hair when I am tired, stressed or bored and it is a comfort to me.  Sometimes I might not do it for months at a time but it's always there:)

Mind you this is nothing like the Trichotillomania disorder, which is classified as an impulse control disorder by DSM-IV, is the compulsive urge to pull out one's own hair leading to noticeable hair loss, distress, and social or functional impairment.

I guess the looking forward to something is easy too.  I have always been fairly optimistic. When things get bad that only means they can only get better.  I'm a glass half full kinda girl.  I look forward to the future.  Watching my little boy grow up, having more children, growing old (but trying not to look old :) with my wonderful husband and enjoying life. 

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